Special Limited Time Offer - Buy the Journal (£35) get the Journal Jumpstart Workshop (£65) for Free
Busy people with only 10 mins a day improve your wellbeing with gratitude journaling.
In particular emotional and mental wellbeing.
For a limited time for only £35 you get:
The Happiness Journal (The 5 minute Journal circa £35 inc p&p)
90 minute Journal Jumpstart workshop training (normally £55)
We train you on :
how to get the most out of the journal
start building a habit
actually start using the journal there and then in the workshop
set yourself for success in building a positive habit and
7 days of support and accountability in building your journal habit
Limited spaces (small group training)
All with a money back satisfaction guarantee
Get in touch if these dates /times are not suitable.
You can secure offer now for workshop dates later in the year