This and the few related articles are about the golden opportunity we have for learning, change growth, development and transformation. Moving from a caterpillar to being in a cocoon to become a butterfly. They blend ideas and snippets on needs, mindsets, zones and actions from Stephen Covey, Tony Robbins, Abraham Maslow, Carol Dweck, Nelson Mandela, Robin Sharma, Forrest Gump and a few others.
Many of us have we have already had 21 days of lock down and another few weeks are in progress and there could be many more weeks. This is a golden opportunity to step out of our comfort zone and grow. This is the cocoon phase of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. An incubation/transformation period. We have an explorative lab where we are both the subject of that lab as well as the experimenter. We are both the architect and the product of the design. We can come out at the other end, when ever that will be, as a better, improved, more resilience, capable, productive, effective, compassionate version of ourselves or we can choose to maintain the status quo and stay as just it. We can choose to improve areas of our physical, mental, social/emotional and spiritual dimensions. This great little video by Jean-Pierre De Villers (JPDV) is about Being Like Nelson Mandela shares how Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years (we are in lock down for a few weeks or months, hopefully not years!). He shares
“I wasn’t in prison, I was preparing” - Nelson Mandela
What can you prepare for during the time in lock down? JPDV also shares a focus on Contribution Vs Consumption and about showing up in love, gratitude and service.
The graphic shows some of the potential zones we can operate from and spend time in during a crisis/challenge such as COVID-19. As I was writing about comfort zones I found some more graphics which this one is based upon and adapted from where the far left circle “Who do I want to be during COVID-19” actually says “Comfort Zone”.
We can choose to be in the fear zone and express the behaviours that are fed by fear including complaining and victim mode. This is a very reactive zone. We all probably spent some time in that zone when the pandemic broke out where we were. How long we spend there is our choice and some will spend most of the pandemic time / lock down period there while others will choose to transition to the learning zone. In the learning zone we observe, reflect, think contemplate, seek reliable information and make choices on how we want to respond. In continuing to do this we step into the growth zone where we have expanded our knowledge, skills, attitude, capabilities and impact. We have expanded our comfort zone, we have made it grow. The learning and growth zones are where we are choosing our response. We are becoming more. Personally, I would split the growth zone and move some of the items from there to the zone of contribution/service.
I don’t have any medical qualifications, not even a scouts badge for first aid (might be to do with the fact I never went to the scouts!) or any training in neuroscience. However, how the brain works, the potential we have and how we learn has fascinated me for a long time hence my interest in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), accelerated learning, habits, emotions, behaviour, psychology and such like areas. Here I share what I have understood, caveat, it may not be medically accurate! What I have understood is that the theory about different parts of the brain have different functions. Brain functions are complex and some of the models describe that we have the left (logic, reasoning, intelligence etc) and right (creative, emotion, intuition etc) sides as well as another model about the 3 brains: (1) The Reptilian (housekeeping) , (2) Mammalian/Limbic (Emotion) and (3) the NeoCortex (thinking/reasoning). The Amygdala, a part of the brain in the Limbic brain has a key role in fear response, our survival mechanism / threat /stress system to instigate our fight, flight or freeze response to a situation. It sends a distress signal to the hypthalamus in a chain of reactions that result in the release of hormones cortisol and adrenaline. These are part of our stress response. What happens is that anything such as a loud noise, an unfamiliar object or situation can activate the threat system and release these stress hormones getting us ready at a perceived threat which may not actually be a threat. We keep doing this and not dissipate the stress chemicals we will suffer prolonged stress and all associated with it such as anxiety, worry, sleep disorder, food disorder, chronic pain, depression, lack of connectivity etc. What we want to do is learn practices that help shift control to the neocortex the thinking /reasoning brain to actually assess and decide if it is a real threat. If it is a threat the neocortex can give control to the limbic brain and the Amygdala and let them do their stuff. If it is not a real immediate threat no need to be anxious, fearful or releasing the stress hormones. Instead it can focus on a response as opposed to a reaction.
Source Swissotel Hotel and Resorts
With learning and practices such as mindfulness, meditation, gratitude and such what we are doing is move control to the neocortex to choose a response. We are moving from the Fear Zone to Learning, Growth and Contribution Zones. In short we are using the higher capacities of the evolved brain. Moving from reflex reaction to choosing response. Taking more control of our circumstances as opposed to the circumstances controlling us.
Robin Sharma in Winning in Hard Times shares lots of great ideas for both personal and business. He shares:
Heroes are built in times of storm
The old must fall away for something better to be created
Enjoy the world but don’t be of the world
He cites that Churchill became Churchill, Nelson Mandela become Nelson Mandela, Rosa Parks become Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King become Martin Luther King and Gandhi became Gandhi when they dealt with and overcame an adversity or challenge. That challenge gave them the opportunity to grow and become who they became. They did not act as victims but instead saw opportunity. The Lock Down is an opportunity, it is a reset a reboot. Focus on developing character, skills, qualities and habits. It is the Quadrant II (QII) area of Habit 3 First Things First from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The stuff that is important but not urgent; what we often struggle to create time to do as we are so busy on urgent (but maybe not important things); the QII space for reflection, planning, values review and asking and contemplating the big questions.
"Unlike your fingerprints that you are born with and can’t change, character is something that you create within yourself and must take responsibility for changing." - Jim Rohn
“Making space for growth.
I was sitting on my balcony one recent morning, enjoying a cup of tea, when I looked over at our jasmine plant and realized that it hadn’t yet flowered this season.
The leaves had been reddish brown since the winter, but they hadn’t fallen. I don’t have much of a green thumb, but something felt off. So last week I decided to prune the plant, carefully removing all the non-green leaves.
The next day I came outside and there were already a dozen new sprouting leaves. The day after that, I glimpsed a handful of teeny-tiny flower buds.
This whole time I was waiting for the jasmine plant to flower, I was wondering what more it needed — more fertilizer, more water, or perhaps more sun. Turns out, the only thing holding it back from growing was its past self.
It made me wonder — how much of our growth relies on first trimming what no longer serves us?
What do we need to release so that we can flourish in the next season?
What if we were to prune all the preconceived notions of who we are?
All the regrets of the past and the anxieties about the future.
All the outside influences telling us who we should be.
The pride, the ego, the baggage — snipping and letting these things fall away.
What new season of life can we step into after we make space for our own growth?”
Great article by Greater Good Science Centre on daily checklist questions to ask yourself during quarantine. The questions we ask help us focus, and decisions determine our destiny.
How To Not Go Crazy Under Quarantine Charles Duhigg Podcast (The Power of Habit).
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Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good; supporting the UNs Sustainable Development Goals. For more information see