“Wise men speak because they have something to say;
Fools because they have to say something. ”
You have to forward this article straight after reading it because it passes The Socrates Triple Filter Test.
I know what I am talking about, I have a PhD in Coronavirus from WhatsApp University!
There is a deluge of information being shared that is adding to the feeling of uncertainty and fear and causing us distraction. This article highlights some of the negative aspects of this and also shares the Socrates Triple Filter Test and a wonderful Prince EA video.
I am sure like me you have had many emails and messages from well meaning folk that have covered different aspects of the pandemic. Ideas such as :
(1) Conspiracy theories: it was started in a Lab in Wuhan, it was the Russians, CIA, Pharma company and so forth
(2) Catching it: you can’t catch it if you are young, you are only at risk if you have a underlying health condition, it does not travel through air etc
(3) Cures : drinking cow’s urine, having hot drinks, having ginger, zinc, vitamin C etc
(4) Reliable sources (friend of a friend) saying that the army is being mobilised, that a mask is essential, that someone working in the front line said …
Many of these are adding fuel to the fire of fear.
Watch this Price EA video before continuing further
I am following only a handful of steps, mainly the government advice
Washing hands thoroughly especially after going out
Staying Home as much as possible
Social Distancing (2 m) if I do go outside
Social Isolation if developing any symptoms
In addition to that I am:
Checking in on friends and family, staying connected
Reducing consumption of news and zapping emails/messages without reading if they seem to relate to the ideas shared above and not from a reliable source
Keeping up with my habits and routines that support me and keep me happy
Being more mindful and aware of what I am thinking, feeling, saying and doing
started with the motto
“Don’t be evil”
which has now been changed to
“do the right thing”
In the first Young Jains online event, Enriching Conversations, one person shared about how they had received many messages and had forwarded some before becoming more mindful and considering that they are accountable for what they send on to others and the impact it could have on others. This was a lovely insight. I would go further to say actually it is two fold: (1) We are accountable to what we share, say and send on (communicate); (2) We are also accountable what we choose to consume, read/listen to and dwell upon.
We could apply The Socrates Triple Filter Test on both sending/forwarding and on receiving/consuming.
Socrates the wise Greek philosopher (one of the people who told us to “Know ThySelf” ) was one day approached by student who was in a agitated, rushed state. The student was eager to share some gossip about a friend they both knew. Socrates told him to calm down and that what he wanted to share had to pass the triple filter test before Socrates would listen to it. The first filter he explained was TRUTH.
“Are you absolutely sure that what you are going to tell me is true?”
The student shook his head and admitted he did not know if it was true.
Socrates said “You don’t know for certain if it is true. The second filter is GOODNESS, is what you are going to tell me good or kind?”
The student again shook his head no and said it was not good, it was the exact opposite.
Socrates said “You are going to tell me something bad about our friend, yet you do not know for certain if it is true. Let’s see if it passes the final filter if USEFULNESS. Is what you are going to tell me useful or necessary?”.
The student shook his head no.
Socrates said “If what you are going to say is neither true, good or useful, don’t say it at all. Why would I want to hear it?”
In the same way we can apply the triple filter test before we speak or forward a message by considering: Is it True? Is is Good or Kind? Is it Useful or Necessary?
I am currently reading The 8th Habit by Stephen Covey. It’s a book that I have had for over 15 years (as you know I am a Covey and Habits fan), but had not been able to get traction into this books till now. In the next article that I have started writing I’ll share more insights from that book as they resonate with the theme.
Just as I was publishing this article I received a graphic from a friend, it was True, Good and Useful so passed the Socrates Triple Filter Test. It is a lovely, useful graphic and captures aspects of recent posts as well as is core to a future one.
It may be titled “The Opportunity: Breaking Bad Habits” or Do we operate from a centre of Fear or Love? or “Fear or Love? You Choose” or maybe something else.We’ll have to wait and see what develops.
If you are going to send me something (1) Check it passes the Socrates Triple Filter Test (2) Make sure it is positive, kind, uplifting or funny.
There are various FaceBook groups include StoriesOfHope that meet this criteria.
We are all having more mindful moments and raised awareness in our day to day. Be that in washing our hands diligently, keeping a 2 metre distance when out and about, being better aware of what we consume in our diets and our minds and also how we use things. For example we used to use 2 or 3 sheets of newspaper to hold rubbish when chopping fruit or vegetables. Now only 1 is required (as scarce resource and also 1 is enough).
My vegan friend, Heena Modi of PlantShift has written a great article about “Spiritual Learnings realised because of the coronavirus”. She explores themes of Ego, Accountability, Judgement amongst others. Worth taking a read.
Continuing with Free Online Happiness Booster sessions, during the week starting 6th April 2020 the focus is on the Power of Gratitude. Will share some science and practice. See events page of more details.
Spiritual Learnings realised because of the coronavirus By Heena Modi
TED Talk: 10 Ways to have better conversations Celeste Headlee
Positive Stories from around the World karunavirus.org from Service Space
A request dear friend and reader.
(1) If you have enjoyed some of the articles I have shared and found useful please reply to shaileen@happylifehabits.co.uk and let me know.
(2) If you are not a subscriber to the Happy Life Habits email list - please sign up.
(3) While doing (1) if you would be interested in free 30 min video conference calls for Happiness Boosters - connection and sharing, during these times let me know if morning, afternoon or evening preference and weekday and/or weekend. I will endeavour to serve.
(4) If you think someone else might benefit from this please share with them.
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Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good; supporting the UNs Sustainable Development Goals. For more information see HappyLifeHabits.co.uk.