Happy Life Habits

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International Day of Happiness Virtual Festival hosted by Happy Life Habits

I don’t know about you but I’ve been feeling a bit down, some grief and just unmotivated recently - not my normal self. I think it is a combination of the World news and happenings in Ukraine, personal and work challenges, the mid-life crisis I’ve been in for the last 10 years! and life in general. I am digging deep into my habits of gratitude, journaling, mindfulness, kindness and learning.

At Happier Relationships workshop I shared how Connection is so important to our happiness and wellbeing. Study after study has shown this as has my own experience. That is part of why as Happy Life Habits we do workshops and sessions virtual but live so as to foster that sense of connection.

I have been invited by the Lohana Community of North London to share the Positive Grief talk next week which I am looking forward to. The sense of grief is part of what I am feeling due to the Ukraine war and hearing the stories of the changes and challenges the people are facing.

Also next week I am talking part in a Facebook live with Asian Parents Club where I have been given the opportunity to by one of the coaches to share and support in that group.

Join us for both of those events and also I invite you to the Happiness Festival we are hosting on the 19th March. It’s going to be very special and different and much needed at this time.

The UN's International Day of Happiness aims to make people around the world realize the importance of happiness within their lives.

Imagine a Happiness Festival a bit like the Ideal Home exhibition or trade show with different themed zones, show stages with scheduled events and individual stalls.

  • Multiple sessions running at the same time

  • Attendees free to move around

  • Various Zones such as Laughter, Happiness etc

We have a great line up of speakers and workshops for all including kids.

All this available globally and virtually. We are using the Wonder platform which is a great, easy to use platform from laptop/pc (does not work on tablet or phone). Fostering the different stalls, stages and activities. On the platform you will be able to see the running agenda of what is happening at what time and where. With a simply drag of you mouse you can go into your chosen activity/space.

To book FREE ticket and find out more visit the Festival page.

Happy Life Habits continues to run Gratitude & Journaling workshops and training, Positive Grief talks, Mental Health Awareness, etc. See the events page for more details.

If you want to receive articles, information on events and support Happy Life Habits sign up to the join the email list.

Facebook Group, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube etc links can be found at https://linktr.ee/HappyLifeHabits

Shaileen Shah is a Happiness Coach, Speaker and Trainer. Previously having been in finance technology for the investment banking arm of RBS during the RBS takeover of Natwest, the RBS takeover of ABN Ambro and the financial crisis he has experienced the challenges brought by uncertainty, change and stress. He is certified in The Science of Happiness and shares through Happy Life Habits. Happy Life Habits Positively Impacts Happiness & Well Being Levels by creatively and uniquely combining Personal Development + The Science of Happiness + Spirituality. A business for Good. For more information see HappyLifeHabits.co.uk.